Get your quizzing brains on for CGL’s Covid quiz night! Test your knowledge of all things… in general, plus some esoteric Gaelic stuff, no doubt. Apparently we can also expect some party pieces from the usual suspects. Sgoinneil! Barrachd fiosrachaidh gu h-ìosal:
On Thursday 2 July, at 7:30pm, Comunn Gàidhlig Lunnainn will be hosting an online quiz night, and we would love you to join us.
We will be arranging the quiz through Zoom. There will be some songs in between rounds (volunteers are very welcome — if you’d like to sing, please get in touch!) as well as some time to chat and catch up at with old friends after the quiz and during the break. The event should last approximately one and a half hours.
A link to join the event will be shared with this mailing list closer to the day. If you know anybody else who might like to join, please ask them to write to us at this address ([email protected]) and we’ll be pleased to add them to the invitation.
We hope to arrange another event later in the summer. As things progress over the coming months, we will decide what form that event should take.
For now, though, we look forward to having you with us at our quiz on Thursday 2 July.
Date / time
Date(s) - 02/07/2020
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm