GaelicInLondon’s trusty gig hound (or should that be hog?), Domhnall Wilson, has been truffling out the tastiest forthcoming gigs for London Gaels. Here are the fruits of his digging.
Highland 4-piece Tide Lines will be playing at Omeara near London Bridge on 21st May. Not quite the “Far Side of the World”, but getting there! Tickets here.
Skipinnish will be back in London on May 30th, playing at the Islington Assembly Hall. Tickets available here.
Peat and Diesel
If you have been hibernating for the last fortnight and are unaware, Peat and Diesel are going to be back in London on 12 November playing at the 100 Club on Oxford St. Tickets here (while they last…).
By way of a diary clash, “firebrand threepiece” Talisk are playing at King’s Place on the same night. If that’s more your cup of tea, tickets are available here.
Blazin’ Fiddles
Oh, and if anyone is at a loose end tonight, Blazin’ Fiddles will themselves be fiddling their hearts out at King’s Place. Tickets here.
Hope to see some of you at one, more or (improbably) all of the above!
Thanks, Don!
Domhnall Wilson