City Lit runs weekly Gaelic classes on Wednesday nights. The classes take place at City Lit’s annexe on Eversholt Street, near Euston Station. There are two levels, for beginners and intermediate learners. The Level 1 class starts at 6pm and the Level 2 class at 7.35pm. The classes are taught by Morag Traynor. Morag teaches Gaelic grammar and vocabulary through an eclectic mixture of Gaelic reading materials, from poetry to short stories to magazine articles. Students have the chance to develop their conversation skills and participate in class discussions. There is also a social side to the classes (referred to as ‘cultural field studies’) in a nearby pub afterwards for those who want to come. Courses costs £179 a term (for 12 lessons) or £109 for concessions.
In addition to the weekly language courses, City Lit holds occasional additional courses on subjects such as reading in Gaelic. The language class has occasionally hosted guests speakers, such as the Gaelic poet Meg Bateman.