Forthcoming gigs for London Gaels / Cuirmean ciùil ‘san am ri teachd
To brighten up a cold January, GIL has been on the lookout for some forthcoming gigs here in London for lovers of Gaelic music. Here are some highlights: Burns Night Songs with Ainsley Hamill. Although she'll likely be singing in Scots on this occasion, Gaelic singer...
Gaelic Service – 12 March 2023
The next Gaelic service in London will be at 3pm this coming Sunday, 12 March 2023 at Crown Court. Details on the flyer attached. Hope to see some of you there!
Open Evening at the London Gaelic Choir / Oidhche Fhosgailte aig Còisir Ghàidhlig Lunnainn
The London Gaelic choir is holding an open evening / rehearsal on 31 January 2023. Anyone interested in doing so can come along to a rehearsal with no strings attached. You would be very welcome / Bidh fàilte bhlàth oirbh! Details below:
Celtic Languages Day at City Lit
City Lit in London will be a holding a special day devoted to the Celtic languages on 25 June 2022. The four Celtic languages currently taught at City Lit will be featured, being Scottish Gaelic together with Irish, Welsh and Cornish. The material on Scots Gaelic will...
Allt Gig at King’s Place
Few photos below from last night's excellent gig from the un-named band behind the album Allt. They are: Julie Fowlis (vocals, whistle), Zoë Conway (fiddle, vocals), Éamon Doorley (bouzouki, vocals) and John McIntyre (guitar, piano, vocals). Not action shots as such -...
Flyers / Bileagan
Here are some flyers we will be handing out at the Allt gig at King's Place in London this evening. Thanks to Mark Rae, who designed them! Seo bileag a sgaoileas sinn aig cuirm-ciùil Allt ann an Lunnainn feasgar an-diugh. Taing do Marc MacUilleim a dhealaich iad!
Forthcoming gigs / Cuirmean-ciùil air fàire
Following the lengthy Covid hiatus, notices for gigs of interest to London Gaels are starting to appear. Here is a list of the ones we are aware of. Hope to see you at some of these. If anyone is aware of any others to add to the list, cuir teachdaireachd thugainn!...
Beginners – the London Gaelic Class Needs You!
The London Gaelic Class is running three levels this term, up from two last term. Lots of the members of last term's Class 1 (beginners) have moved up to Class 2. Which is all positive, and is progress, but has left us short of beginners! So if you're looking for a...
Liner notes on history…
GIL recently acquired this interesting vinyl record - Gaelic Songs by James Campbell of Kintail (1897-1979). According to the inlay notes, after a childhood in Lochalsh, followed by service in the Great War, Campbell came to live in London, where he worked in banking....
Learn Gaelic online in London… or anywhere
Places are still available in City Lit's Gaelic classes for this coming term. As they will be delivered online, you don't even need to get into London to take part. So if your New Year's Resolution was to learn Gaelic, here's your chance to achieve it! And if you...